Frequently Asked Questions


Work'in Memories How To Use

What is the cost of the Chronos Monitor Service ?

Work'in MeMoRieS is Free
For whose who can pay, 3 euros by month and by workstation

How to install WorK 'in MeMoRieS ?

WIM requires a double installation :
  • A WIM registration on :
    On the Internet, click on register in the space reserved to the connection, in the top right corner
  • An installation on computers :
    For each computer for which we want to arise the activity we install, on each computer, the Work'in Memories software.
    The registration on will provide us a key and a server ip that we need for the software and the computer users.

Did WIM need to open a firewall port ?

WIM need to open a port for the activation and the internet usage
  • To activate WIM open firewall port 5432 for outside and inside
  • For the synchronisation you need to open this postgresql port
    If you use WIM to keep memory of computer activity, there is no need to use this port and internet
    But when you got a licence error message you have to extend your workstation duration and then use the 5432 port

How to use Work'in Memories? ?

It is enough to be connected on or your other server domain and to log in

We arrive on the member space
Member space where administrators and users will find their space. 

Simultaneously, the set software should synchronise data.

Users Managing

From the administrator account
You can create, cancel, modify your users

And define their status : user, administrator or supervisor.

You can also define which user or computer for which administrator or supervisor

What is an administrator ? What is a supervisor ?

An administrator is a person who manage a team
this way, he will be able to unlock the validated work sheet, to manage clients, services, users’ computers, invoices…

The only difference between supervisor and administrator :

Is that supervisor is only a status for the consultation of sheets and reports, extractions, and for the monitoring of the time of real activity of his team.

And he is not in charge of the technical part.

Workstations Managing

From the administrator’s account
You can create, cancel, deactivate, extend the term of the computers

The activation is done when the software is activated on the computer by to the activation key

At the moment of a computer reinstallation or removal.

Don’t forget to desactivate your computer in the software : options-configuration-uninstall

Either through the administrator’s account

Rights Managing

From the administrator account
You can manage the copyrights per user, WIM menu – Users - Users Rights
Export rights : concerns the possibility to use the export function of the software
Config : concerns the possibility to set up the software
Auto analysis : concerns the possibility to use the automatical analysis of the software
Hidden Customers : concerns the possibility to have invisible for other users customers, except the administrator
Hidden Filter : concerns the possibility to have secret analysis filters, invisible for the other users, except the administrator

Customers or Projects Managing

From the administrator’s account
You can create, cancel, modify your customers or projects

Services or Activities Managing

From the administrator account
You can create, cancel, modify your services or activities

The minute-maid timesheet

The minute-maid timesheet is the result of questionning, minute by minute, of the computer activity
also more synthetical, to the detailed report, wich is more detailed File access are available only in the detailed report.

It is here that users will determine clients and services for the billing

The detailed report

From each account
Detailed report is the computer activity report
With a mouse click, every new used window and program, is reported on it
File changes, creations and removals in the supervised directories are reported on it
As for the timesheet,it is here that users will determine clients and services for the billing

How does time extraction between minute-maid timesheet and detailled report works ?

Each interface has its separated time, as multiviews – time extraction is made interface by interface, there is no mixing neither accumulation
User or company has to choice the interface, or to utilise both of them for comparison

Quantifying Billing Time

First we have to go to the minute-maid and the detailed report, than view
To select it a day when the software synchronised data, they are red on calendar
Then, by the checkbox to tick on the left, to select intervals or lines we are interested in
his blue-shaded intervals that will be entered by the choice of customers and activities and the clicking on OK
Choose the client or activity field, click ok and enter the activity of the journey
By complete clients and activity from their minute-maid ou their detailed report
Users create time per clients or per activity

It is in the multiview (extraction) of the WIM minute maid menu or WIM detailed report that times could be questioned
Entirely complete by your co-workers, it is a reliable basis for the client billing
This could serve for memory, activity tracks for companies, parents and particulars.

To Change PassWord

From the member space, click on modify your informations
Enter a new password, don’t forget to enter your actual password
You can use a web password and and a different software password if you don’t execute again the wizard of the software

To conceal undesired lines

From the WIM menu, the keywords button
Open a WIM explorer in another window and copy undesired window label and process
revenez dans le menu mot clefs et copier les libelles et ou processus indesires

If you want to hide a process or a description whatever the other process or description is, let the another line as it is

To give information and to enrich your timesheet

First, from the software pink button - synchronise
Then from the WIM timesheet or detailed report menu ANALYSIS then VIEW
for an adinsitrator or a supervisor choose an user or a workstation
Find a date in red (don’t forget the analysis and the software synchronisation ) and click on it to open the daily report

There, the web service works by line or line zone selection

To select only a line, click on the correspondent checkbox to tick, your line become blue, it is selected.

For the line zone, it click on the checkbox to tick of the first line to be selected

Then to tick the last line to be selected, a dark blue zone appears which means that you’ve just defined your zone

To be noted, in case of error, the possibility to unselect everything through the link over 'unselect all'

Choose your customers (or projects) your activities and click on OK

When your clients or activities are defined, the list desappears and a ' - ' button appears

This is the button to use after selection of the lines for corrections and changes.

So you can define if you want your timesheet, then when everything is ok, to validate it for billing

After the validation, you will have to ask to your administrator for correction, this validation procedure is compulsory for the billing

How can i supervise progress of my team ?

Supervisor is the account state to track progress of your team
First check the case supervisor in a user modifying
Click on supervisor and affect a team to the supervisor

Click on Viewer
The tracking is only do for the actual date, may be change, tell us if you need

Set the constant synchronisation on the software settings to obtein real time

mac os x constant synchronisation seem bugging, working, working on...

How can you disable invisible mode?

Simply delete hrd.gwh in ./wok/conf/

Do you need Internet connection for using the Software

Except for continued synchronisation where the software needs an Internet to synchronise
Outside configuration and synchronisation, the software doesn’t need an Internet connection, and exports are possible
Obviously, it is when utilising the chronos server

For companies using it in local network, there is no need of Internet connection

Using WIM in multiples languages

2.04 version is fully internationalised
You can choose 2 languages for files and software and 3 for windows title
For most case choose 'system default encoding' and 'utf-8' for files and software (order is important)

and encoding used by window title, languages you use on internet etc..., for window title, most complicated first

Using WIM in secure mode

Enable continual synchronization
CSV Export prove your time
You can ask for a personal security key to increment security level

Using WIM in secure mode

Enable continual synchronization
CSV Export prove your time
You can ask for a personal security key to increment security level

WIM Server Installation

When you install your own wim server
think to set great numbers of variables per requests
rather than trying to modify your code for the bug not setting make

Secure your file loss

for your deleted files the FAT32 file system allows you to find your files by looking for ?+filename ?ake.bat for make.bat
with a disk utility in ASCII
for your file access the NTFS file system generates a log that you can consult
WIM will offer you to automatically analyze the log in the future

Secure your File Access

The linux version has been developed there is a file access verification in hdom-access in dowload

You can capture the result of this console app with your own alert, ask me if you want specific functionnality

Under Windows thats the NTFS file system wich allow file access

On Mac Os X and HFS+ i dont know how, also you can use NTFS on a mac os x

WIM actually only report modification, deleting, creating with file, but doesn't allow file access verification, also there is a version of WIM wich analyse the NTFS Log, we will find it in one moment

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